Stigmata Sector
Space Station Valiant
QUERY TO: Local Headquarters, Eastmont County
To Whom It May Concern,
It has come to the attention of the Guild that there is the possibility of a plague arising in the inhabited portions of your jurisdiction. Under Article 73G/29a subsection C, it is our duty to submit a query as to the verifiable facts in this case, so as to determine whether a general Trade Quarantine must be issued in accordance with Regulations C73905 and C73915a of the Quarantine Statutes of Leagueheim where they apply to lands deemed to be under Imperial Jurisdiction.
Should these facts appear to warrant imminent action, it is the request of this Authority that you immediately begin self-imposed Trade Restrictions, in order to confine the contamination to a relatively limited area.
We await your report soonest.
Port Authority