Category: Secret History

Mortos Diablos: Grendel

This one might have happened a month earlier, 9-5002, but it was the third and final in the Mortos Diablos series. WHAT HAS COME BEFORE Foul Creation In the year of 4986 Common Era, a vitiki runecaster with the power to shape reality using ancient Anunnaki technology committed the one unpardonable sin of his people…
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Mortos Diablos: The Haunting of Aramus Keep

The following is the part of a very intricate, very tragic Ghost Story, played out on Mortos Diablos, 5000 within the Home & Hearth Saga. THE BISHOP’S STORY You are Jeremiah Michael Cornelius III, a noble from the highly civilized worlds of the Hawkwoods who gave up the court life for a life in the…
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Mortos Diablos: Lawgiver

The Lawgiver was a device created by the ancient alien Anunnaki to maintain order among the worlds. It uses a human host to maintain a touchstone in the physical world. Its purpose is to judge others according to an esoteric code of ethics. Those that violate the code are subject to Soultap, a method by…
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The Romanovs of Stigmata

Eastmont County The ROMANOVS were a family of nobles that traced their descendants back to the Czars of Russia, a contention disputed by House Decados (who made the same grandiose claim). Through time, warfare, and political alliances, the Romanov family was gradually subsumed into the greater House and all but disappeared. Those who still bore…
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