REGENCY COURT OF THE METROPOLIS OF EVERSMEREFOR THE COUNTY OF NORTHERN LIGHTS THE PEOPLE OF THE METROPOLIS OF EVERSMEREPlaintiff v. THE BROTHERHOOD OF THE SWORDDefendant Case #SX92309851086H-5 FELONY COMPLAINTFOR ARREST WARRANT The undersigned is informed and believes that: The following members of the County of Eastmont were duly involved in crimes pertained to and hereby…
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Lady Eleanor Katharine Hawkwood c/o Crier’s Pride, Alexandria, Eastmont County, Stigmata Mantiarch 5001 My dearest Maud and Alice I hope that this letter finds you and my uncles in good health and happy. I apologise for my laxity in not writing before, but I have been most busy and have neglected everything but my new…
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Lady Eleanor Katharine Hawkwood c/o Crier’s Pride, Alexandria, Eastmont County, Stigmata Mantiarch 5001 My dearest Maud and Alice I hope that this letter finds you and my uncles in good health and happy. I apologise for my laxity in not writing before, but I have been most busy and have neglected everything but my new…
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