Eastmont County The ROMANOVS were a family of nobles that traced their descendants back to the Czars of Russia, a contention disputed by House Decados (who made the same grandiose claim). Through time, warfare, and political alliances, the Romanov family was gradually subsumed into the greater House and all but disappeared. Those who still bore…
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Lady Izarbe, Truly, I had thought we had negotiated in good faith and had left on agreeable terms. Yet here, I find the honor of the Hazat called into question. Your county has committed a crime of unpardonable magnitude! On the fifth day of Six-month, early in the morning, partisans allied with Natas Romanov commandeered…
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To: Charioteers of Eastmont County, Stigmata From: Consul Josephina Stagg Regarding: Visit I am sorry this missive arrives so close to my approach. I hope that it is not an inconvenience. I think the topic will make any pain and suffering worth your while. Stagg lines recently got a jump key to this planet and…
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Father and Mother – I am marooned on this hellhole when I only wish to come home. Still no instructions have come from Cadiz as to why I was placed in the court of Count Vladamir Tzepezh Romanov Decados and his brothers. Have you received any news on this matter? I am disgusted with these…
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A Royal Proclamation From Her Glory, the Duchess Lilleth Abbadon Decados Mistress of Vengeanc e, Ruler of Cadiz. Let it be said upon this day, that the forces of the Dark Lord of Cadiz, Duke Lucifer Abbadon Decados, shall be placed in the hands of his beloved wife and sister, Countessa Lilleth Abbadon Decados, along…
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My Son, It is obvious to me that you have not been following the news of our family’s fortune upon Cadiz, else you would cease your prattlings about the needs of a single County. Since the death of Duke Lucifer Abaddon Decados, the Dark Lord of Cadiz, the planet is in turmoil. The Five Families…
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Duke Lucifer Abbadon Decados, Lord of Cadiz, Heir of the Decados was killed this 15th day of Horach, 4989 in Hanford Keep on Stigmata. It has been ascertained that poison was the cause of death. No heirs were named prior to his demise; his sister was on hand, however, and has since claimed the Duchy…
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I am writing you on behalf of your son, Rasputin. I wish to inform you that he has proven to be a great ally to myself here on Stigmata. He has performed his duties in the highest caliber. In his short time here, he has built up a formidable military unit and he has done…
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