Tag: engineers

Symbiots talk to the Guildmaster?!

A servant of Xokor Tlan traveled to Northern Lights to convert a mundane Galzai progeny. Then, the servant of Xokor Tlan ordered the new Galzai convert to go war at the humans. Xildurkin mok Xokor Tlan zothxil tu knoorthurne tlaxozulzi tu kai Galzai zigti. Razarn, Xildurkin mok Xokor Tlan glagal rakai Galzai tu setzarnat aht…
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Security Update on Break In

GUILD NOTICE 7329084291/BR-022 TO: Endomar Sordiek Guildmaster, Eastmont County FROM: Mawrick Genkynn Guild Security, Gideon’s Gate Guildmaster, I regret to inform you of the death of your associate, sent to investigate the break-in to your facilities on the night-cycle of 02.15.02. One week ago, a couple engaged in illicit sexual activity in the C-deck biodomes…
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A Small Security Breach

GUILD NOTICE 7329084291/BR-022 TO: Endomar Sordiek Guildmaster, Eastmont County FROM: Mawrick Genkynn Guild Security, Gideon’s Gate Esteemed Colleague, This is to inform you of a break-in to your facilities on the night-cycle of 02.15.02. Upon initial investigation, little evidence was found, beyond that the thief was quite selective in what material was actually taken from…
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Guild, to Guildmaster

To Endomar Sordiek, Guildmaster Eastmont County With regards to our Craft-Brother, We have analyzed the data that has been provided to us regarding the installation under Highlake Court. It is the opinion of the senior engineers of this world that it may be in the best interests of the Guild that the installation remains in…
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Guild Memorandum

892347202/ST-186 TO: Xavier Stone Charioteer Guild, Member in Good Standing FROM: Aiden Srepys Guild Coordinator, Stigmata Space What the devil is going on down there? We’ve got reports that your Node activated and that two more Nodes outside your County (tentatively identified as Terraforming Nodes 1 & 4) have been either disabled and/or destroyed. The…
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Guild Terraformer Response

GUILD MEMORANDUM 892347105/ST-085 TO: XAVIER STONE CHARIOTEER GUILD, MEMBER IN GOOD STANDING FROM: ENGINEER GUILD Your missive regarding a terraforming node on Stigmata has been routed to the Worldshaper’s Guild. We thank you for your prompt report and will reflect this on your record. You can contact the local Worldshaper representative on Frequency 72942 between…
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