Tag: symbiot threat

Mortos Diablos: The Haunting of Aramus Keep

The following is the part of a very intricate, very tragic Ghost Story, played out on Mortos Diablos, 5000 within the Home & Hearth Saga. THE BISHOP’S STORY You are Jeremiah Michael Cornelius III, a noble from the highly civilized worlds of the Hawkwoods who gave up the court life for a life in the…
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Quarantine of Stigmata

BY ORDER OF THE ROYAL IMPERIAL FLEET Quarantine of Stigmata By Order of the Royal Imperial Fleet the planet Stigmata’s quarantine is to be extended due to the pending investigation into the spread of the Plague of Stigmata off world to the al-Malik world of Istakhr. The following guidelines for ships, persons, & cargo entering…
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Royal Proclamation: A Decados Rising

A Royal Proclamation From Her Glory, the Duchess Lilleth Abbadon Decados Mistress of Vengeanc e, Ruler of Cadiz. Let it be said upon this day, that the forces of the Dark Lord of Cadiz, Duke Lucifer Abbadon Decados, shall be placed in the hands of his beloved wife and sister, Countessa Lilleth Abbadon Decados, along…
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