GUILD NOTICE 7329084291/BR-022 TO: Endomar Sordiek Guildmaster, Eastmont County FROM: Mawrick Genkynn Guild Security, Gideon’s Gate Guildmaster, I regret to inform you of the death of your associate, sent to investigate the break-in to your facilities on the night-cycle of 02.15.02. One week ago, a couple engaged in illicit sexual activity in the C-deck biodomes…
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BY ORDER OF THE ROYAL IMPERIAL FLEET Quarantine of Stigmata By Order of the Royal Imperial Fleet the planet Stigmata’s quarantine is to be extended due to the pending investigation into the spread of the Plague of Stigmata off world to the al-Malik world of Istakhr. The following guidelines for ships, persons, & cargo entering…
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GUILD NOTICE 7329084291/BR-022 TO: Endomar Sordiek Guildmaster, Eastmont County FROM: Mawrick Genkynn Guild Security, Gideon’s Gate Esteemed Colleague, This is to inform you of a break-in to your facilities on the night-cycle of 02.15.02. Upon initial investigation, little evidence was found, beyond that the thief was quite selective in what material was actually taken from…
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The following is a wax-sealed letter. Its contents are encrypted for the Barón’s eyes only. **** Florin Ramiro Anton Dulcinea Hazat, Barón de Flores Fief of Flores, Sutek **** 12-7-5001 My Lord: It is my hope that this letter finds you and the Baronesa in excellent health. I myself have been well, and have seen…
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Father and Mother – I am marooned on this hellhole when I only wish to come home. Still no instructions have come from Cadiz as to why I was placed in the court of Count Vladamir Tzepezh Romanov Decados and his brothers. Have you received any news on this matter? I am disgusted with these…
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From Interstellar Dispatches, Horach 6th, 5001 (Holy Terra Calendar) NEWS Town Crier Service Disrupted by Malicious Terrorists BYZANTIUM SECUNDUS — Port Authority — Town Criers Guild interstellar services were disrupted through a misinformation campaign waged by mysterious individuals identified only as Mercurians. Mysterious agents of this terrorist cell impersonated guild couriers, delivering false reports to…
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The Court of Alexandria COURT KEEPER: DECADOS Update The wife of a local dairy farmer (who was killed when locals suspected he was a Symbiot) was beaten, and forced out of Alexandria in the middle of winter after her appeal for sanctuary to an Eskatonic church was turned down. The fate of her six children…
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My Son, It is obvious to me that you have not been following the news of our family’s fortune upon Cadiz, else you would cease your prattlings about the needs of a single County. Since the death of Duke Lucifer Abaddon Decados, the Dark Lord of Cadiz, the planet is in turmoil. The Five Families…
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From Interstellar Dispatches, Hombory 8, 5000 (Holy Terra Calendar) SPECIAL HOLIDAY ADDRESS “With Light Shall You Be Free” A Lux Splendor Address from Emperor Alexius, Lord of the Phoenix Throne, Heir and Sword of Vladimir, Vassal of Zebulon, Seer of the Realm, Light Against the Dark, Steward of Human Destiny and Mentor to All Sentients…
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Guild Communique FROM: Associate Janice Lessard, assistant to Engineer Carroll, Leagueheim. TO: Scraver’s Guild, Eastmont County To Whom It May Concern, It has come to the attention of the League Authorities that a Guild fugitive named Farimid Demaarcan has fled to Stigmata. He is wanted for Trade violations, theft and abuse of Restricted Materials, destruction…
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